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Config dataclass

Configuration class for the promptolution library.

This class handles loading and parsing of configuration settings, either from a config file or from keyword arguments.


Name Type Description
task_name str

Name of the task. Should not be None if used.

ds_path str

Path to the dataset. Should not be None if used.

n_steps int

Number of optimization steps. Should not be None if used.

optimizer str

Name of the optimizer to use. Should not be None if used.

predictor str

Name of the predictor to use. Defaults to "FirstOccurenceClassificator".

meta_llm str

Name of the meta language model. Should not be None if used.

downstream_llm str

Name of the downstream language model. Should not be None if used.

evaluation_llm str

Name of the evaluation language model. Should not be None if used.

init_pop_size int

Initial population size. Defaults to 10.

initial_prompts List[str]

Initial prompts for the optimizer. Defaults to None.

logging_dir str

Directory for logging. Defaults to "logs/run.csv".

experiment_name str

Name of the experiment. Defaults to "experiment".

task_description str

Task Description fed to the optimizer. Defaults to None.

donor_random bool

Whether to use random donor prompts for EvoPromptDE. Defaults to False.

random_seed int

Random seed for reproducibility. Defaults to 42.

model_storage_path str

Path to the model storage directory (used for VLLM). Defaults to "../models/".

selection_mode str

Selection mode for EvoPromptGA. Defaults to "random".

meta_bs int

Batch size for local meta LLM. Should not be None if llm is run locally. Defaults to None.

downstream_bs int

Batch size for local downstream LLM.

api_token str

API token for different APIs, as implemented in LLM classes.

meta_prompt str

Prompt template for the meta LLM.

prepend_exemplars bool

rather to do exemplar search and prepend few-shot examples. Defaults to False.

n_exemplars int

how many exemplars to prepend. Only used if prepend_exemplars is True. Defaults to 5.

exemplar_selector str

which exemplar selector to use. Should not be None if preped_exemplars is True.

n_ds_samples_to_meta int

how many examples to show of the ds to show to meta-llm

n_eval_samples int

how many examples to show to evaluation llm for evaluation.

Source code in promptolution/
class Config:
    """Configuration class for the promptolution library.

    This class handles loading and parsing of configuration settings,
    either from a config file or from keyword arguments.

        task_name (str): Name of the task. Should not be None if used.
        ds_path (str): Path to the dataset. Should not be None if used.
        n_steps (int): Number of optimization steps. Should not be None if used.
        optimizer (str): Name of the optimizer to use. Should not be None if used.
        predictor (str): Name of the predictor to use. Defaults to "FirstOccurenceClassificator".
        meta_llm (str): Name of the meta language model. Should not be None if used.
        downstream_llm (str): Name of the downstream language model. Should not be None if used.
        evaluation_llm (str): Name of the evaluation language model. Should not be None if used.
        init_pop_size (int): Initial population size. Defaults to 10.
        initial_prompts (List[str]): Initial prompts for the optimizer. Defaults to None.
        logging_dir (str): Directory for logging. Defaults to "logs/run.csv".
        experiment_name (str): Name of the experiment. Defaults to "experiment".
        task_description (str): Task Description fed to the optimizer. Defaults to None.
        donor_random (bool): Whether to use random donor prompts for EvoPromptDE. Defaults to False.
        random_seed (int): Random seed for reproducibility. Defaults to 42.
        model_storage_path (str): Path to the model storage directory (used for VLLM). Defaults to "../models/".
        selection_mode (str): Selection mode for EvoPromptGA. Defaults to "random".
        meta_bs (int): Batch size for local meta LLM. Should not be None if llm is run locally. Defaults to None.
        downstream_bs (int): Batch size for local downstream LLM.
        Should not be None if llm is run locally Defaults to None.
        api_token (str): API token for different APIs, as implemented in LLM classes.
        Should not be None if APILLM is used. Defaults to None.
        meta_prompt (str): Prompt template for the meta LLM.
        If None is set, default meta_prompts from will be used. Defaults to None.
        prepend_exemplars (bool): rather to do exemplar search and prepend few-shot examples. Defaults to False.
        n_exemplars (int): how many exemplars to prepend. Only used if prepend_exemplars is True. Defaults to 5.
        exemplar_selector (str): which exemplar selector to use. Should not be None if preped_exemplars is True.
        Defaults to None.
        n_ds_samples_to_meta (int): how many examples to show of the ds to show to meta-llm
        (not applicable to every optimizer)
        n_eval_samples (int): how many examples to show to evaluation llm for evaluation.

    task_name: str = None
    ds_path: Path = None
    optimizer: str = None
    predictor: Literal["MarkerBasedClassificator", "FirstOccurenceClassificator"] = "FirstOccurenceClassificator"
    meta_llm: str = None
    downstream_llm: str = None
    evaluation_llm: str = None
    n_steps: int = None
    init_pop_size: int = None
    initial_prompts: List[str] = None
    logging_dir: Path = Path("logs/run.csv")
    experiment_name: str = "experiment"
    task_description: str = None
    donor_random: bool = False
    random_seed: int = 42
    model_storage_path: Optional[Path] = Path("../models/")
    selection_mode: Optional[Literal["random", "wheel", "tour"]] = "random"
    meta_bs: Optional[int] = None
    downstream_bs: Optional[int] = None
    api_token: Optional[str] = None
    meta_prompt: Optional[str] = None
    prepend_exemplars: Optional[bool] = False
    n_exemplars: Optional[int] = 5
    exemplar_selector: Optional[str] = None
    n_ds_samples_to_meta: Optional[int] = 2
    n_eval_samples: Optional[int] = 20

    def __post_init__(self):
        """Validate the configuration after initialization."""

    def from_dict(cls, config_dict: Dict[str, Any]) -> "Config":
        """Create a Config instance from a dictionary."""
        return cls(**cls._process_config_dict(config_dict))

    def from_file(cls, config_path: Path) -> "Config":
        """Create a Config instance from a configuration file."""
        if not config_path.exists():
            raise FileNotFoundError(f"Configuration file not found: {config_path}")

        config = configparser.ConfigParser()

        config_dict = {key: value for section in config.sections() for key, value in config[section].items()}

        return cls.from_dict(config_dict)

    def _process_config_dict(cls, config_dict: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        """Process and validate the configuration dictionary."""
        processed_dict = {}
        for field in cls.__dataclass_fields__.values():
            if in config_dict:
                value = config_dict[]
                if field.type == Path:
                    processed_dict[] = Path(value)
                elif field.type == bool:
                    processed_dict[] = str(value).lower() == "true"
                elif field.type == int:
                    processed_dict[] = int(value)
                    processed_dict[] = value
            elif field.default == field.default_factory:  # Check if field is required
                raise ValueError(f"Required configuration parameter '{}' is missing")

        unknown_args = set(config_dict.keys()) - set(cls.__dataclass_fields__.keys())
        if unknown_args:
            print(f"Warning: Unexpected configuration arguments: {', '.join(unknown_args)}")

        return processed_dict

    def _validate_config(self):
        """Validate the configuration settings."""
        if self.meta_llm is not None:
            if "local" in self.meta_llm and self.meta_bs is None:
                raise ValueError("'meta_bs' must be specified for local meta_llm")
            if "local" in self.downstream_llm and self.downstream_bs is None:
                raise ValueError("'downstream_bs' must be specified for local downstream_llm")
        if self.api_token is None:
            print("Warning: No API token provided. Using default tokens from token files.")

    def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        """Convert the Config instance to a dictionary."""
        return { getattr(self, for field in self.__dataclass_fields__.values()}

api_token = None class-attribute instance-attribute

donor_random = False class-attribute instance-attribute

downstream_bs = None class-attribute instance-attribute

downstream_llm = None class-attribute instance-attribute

ds_path = None class-attribute instance-attribute

evaluation_llm = None class-attribute instance-attribute

exemplar_selector = None class-attribute instance-attribute

experiment_name = 'experiment' class-attribute instance-attribute

init_pop_size = None class-attribute instance-attribute

initial_prompts = None class-attribute instance-attribute

logging_dir = Path('logs/run.csv') class-attribute instance-attribute

meta_bs = None class-attribute instance-attribute

meta_llm = None class-attribute instance-attribute

meta_prompt = None class-attribute instance-attribute

model_storage_path = Path('../models/') class-attribute instance-attribute

n_ds_samples_to_meta = 2 class-attribute instance-attribute

n_eval_samples = 20 class-attribute instance-attribute

n_exemplars = 5 class-attribute instance-attribute

n_steps = None class-attribute instance-attribute

optimizer = None class-attribute instance-attribute

predictor = 'FirstOccurenceClassificator' class-attribute instance-attribute

prepend_exemplars = False class-attribute instance-attribute

random_seed = 42 class-attribute instance-attribute

selection_mode = 'random' class-attribute instance-attribute

task_description = None class-attribute instance-attribute

task_name = None class-attribute instance-attribute

__init__(task_name=None, ds_path=None, optimizer=None, predictor='FirstOccurenceClassificator', meta_llm=None, downstream_llm=None, evaluation_llm=None, n_steps=None, init_pop_size=None, initial_prompts=None, logging_dir=Path('logs/run.csv'), experiment_name='experiment', task_description=None, donor_random=False, random_seed=42, model_storage_path=Path('../models/'), selection_mode='random', meta_bs=None, downstream_bs=None, api_token=None, meta_prompt=None, prepend_exemplars=False, n_exemplars=5, exemplar_selector=None, n_ds_samples_to_meta=2, n_eval_samples=20)


Validate the configuration after initialization.

Source code in promptolution/
def __post_init__(self):
    """Validate the configuration after initialization."""

from_dict(config_dict) classmethod

Create a Config instance from a dictionary.

Source code in promptolution/
def from_dict(cls, config_dict: Dict[str, Any]) -> "Config":
    """Create a Config instance from a dictionary."""
    return cls(**cls._process_config_dict(config_dict))

from_file(config_path) classmethod

Create a Config instance from a configuration file.

Source code in promptolution/
def from_file(cls, config_path: Path) -> "Config":
    """Create a Config instance from a configuration file."""
    if not config_path.exists():
        raise FileNotFoundError(f"Configuration file not found: {config_path}")

    config = configparser.ConfigParser()

    config_dict = {key: value for section in config.sections() for key, value in config[section].items()}

    return cls.from_dict(config_dict)


Convert the Config instance to a dictionary.

Source code in promptolution/
def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    """Convert the Config instance to a dictionary."""
    return { getattr(self, for field in self.__dataclass_fields__.values()}